1. Name

The Association shall be known as the Bare Community Association  

2. Aims

The aims of the Association shall be:

  1. To further the spirit of community of Bare Village and its residents
  2. To support local business in Bare Village
  3. To bring together local traders, businesses, residents and voluntary organisations who support our village
  4. To promote events, attractions and activities in and around Bare Village
  5. Championing and keeping members up to date regarding local issues

3. Membership

Membership shall be open, subject to the discretion of the Committee, to all persons interested in the aims of the Association.

  1. Residential members: Residential members pay an annual subscription which includes all members of their household.  Residential members do not need to be resident in Bare.
  1. Business members: Business members pay an annual subscription
  1. Honorary members The Committee, for ratification by the AGM, may recommend honorary Membership for any person or business who, in the opinion of the Committee, has rendered outstanding service to the Association, either directly or indirectly. Such membership shall carry the rights of full membership but shall be free from subscriptions.
  1. Guests. Guests (non-members) may be invited to meetings at the discretion of members.  A guest who attends more than 3 meetings may be asked to join the Association.

All members shall abide by the constitution of the Association. The Committee shall have power to expel any member whose conduct, in the opinion of at least three-quarters of the full Committee, renders that person unfit to be a member of the Association.  No Member shall be expelled without first having been given an opportunity to appear before the Committee.

4. Subscriptions

  1. The subscription will be recommended by the Committee for ratification at the AGM.
  1. All subscriptions shall be due and payable at the beginning of the financial year. Members in arrears shall be deemed to be no longer members of the Association.
  1. The financial year shall run from 1st February to 31st January
  1. The Committee shall have the power to waive or reduce subscriptions in special circumstances for a period not exceeding 1 year at a time.

5. Finance

All monies received by the Association shall be promptly deposited in the Association’s bank account. Withdrawals require the signature of any two of the following officers:  Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Chairman or Chairman.

Signatories and Auditors should not be related and should be appointed by the Committee, at least two meetings before the AGM.

6. Membership of the Association’s Committee

The Association’s affairs shall be administered by a Committee, chosen by vote by members of the Association at the AGM or an EGM called for the purpose.  The Committee, in whom the Association’s property shall be vested, shall consist of:

  1. A Chairman who will preside at all meetings at which he or she is present. 
  1. A Vice-Chairman who will act as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
  1. A Secretary who will be responsible for:
    1. Keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Association.
    2. Ensuring that all correspondence is correctly handled.
    3. Maintaining a master roll of members and Honorary members.
  1. A Treasurer, who will be responsible for:
    1. Keeping the Association’s accounts.
    2. Advising the Committee on all financial matters.
    3. Preparing the accounts for audit and presenting them at the AGM.
  1. Co-opted Committee Members i.e. any additional committee members who have been asked to help for whatever reason

7. Committee standing orders

  1. The quorum for the Committee shall be 50% of the full Committee membership and must include the Chairman or Vice-Chairman. In the absence of a quorum, business may be dealt with but any decisions taken only become valid after ratification at the next meeting at which a quorum exists.
  1. Committee meetings may be called by the Chairman, the Secretary or any vote.
  1. In the event of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer not being in post, an EGM shall be convened as per section 9. below. In this circumstance, the election will be for the unfilled post(s) only.

8. Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held on the day of the first meeting of February each year. At least 21 days notice shall be given to each member in writing.
  1. The quorum for the meeting shall be 20% of the membership.
  1. The agenda for the meeting shall be:
    1. Apologies for absence
    2. Minutes of the previous AGM
    3. Chairman’s report
    4. Secretary’s report
    5. Treasurer’s report
    6. Election of officers
    7. Election of auditors
    8. Other business
  1. Items (i) to (v) shall be chaired by the out-going Chairman, item (vi) by an acting Chairman who is not standing for election to office, and the remaining business by the newly elected Chairman.
  1. Nominations for Committee members will only be valid if confirmed by the nominee at the meeting or previously in writing.
  1. Items to be raised by members under other business should be notified to the Secretary not less than 10 days before the AGM.
  1. In the event of exceptional circumstances, such as medical emergencies due to viral outbreaks etc, a committee may be formed by nomination via email.  This will require proposers and seconders so that a committee can be formed.  As soon as possible after the event, an EGM shall be called to put officers in place formally

9. Extraordinary General Meeting

  1. Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the Committee or not less than 10 members or 50% of the Association, whichever is the smaller, the date of the meeting being the earliest convenient as decided by the Committee. At least 21 days notice in writing must be given to the Secretary, who in turn shall give members at least 14 days notice in writing of the agenda. No other business may be transacted at the EGM.
  1. The quorum for the EGM shall be 30% of the membership and must include the Chairman or Vice-Chairman, who will chair the meeting.
  1. In the event of there being no Chairman or Vice-Chairman in post, it will fall to the Secretary, then Treasurer, then remaining, ordinary Committee members, in that order, to fulfill the requirement of this sub-paragraph and section 9 – Extraordinary General Meeting).
  1. In the event of there being no Secretary in post, then for the purposes of organising an EGM, the Secretary’s responsibilities will be transferred in the order of paragraph (c) above.
  1. In the event of there being no Committee in post, any member of the Association may organise an EGM and perform the duties of Secretary as described and limited in 9(a) above. He or she will initially chair the meeting until the election of a new Chairman. The agenda of the meeting shall be:
    1. Apologies for absence.
    2. Election of new Officers.
    3. Election of Auditors
    4. Other business

10. Amendments to the constitution

The constitution may be amended only at an EGM called for that purpose. 

 11. Winding up of the Association

  1. The decision to wind up the Association may be taken only at an EGM.
  2. The funds of the Association shall, after the sale of all assets and the payment of all outstanding debts, be disposed of as directed by members at the final EGM.